Virtual machines

Every instance (exception: Windows Server 2016 and newer) is automatically assigned a temporary (only exists until the VM is deleted) block storage volume as a root drive: 10 GB for m1.tiny, 30 GB for other instance types. The usage of one public IPv4 address per instance is also included.
For persistent data storage you can create storage volumes and assign them to your instances. You can choose between volumes based on normal HDD storage or high-performance SSD storage.

Instance types

When creating an instance you have the choice between several sizes. The size of an instance can generally be changed later (assuming your Quota permits it). Resizing m1.tiny-type instances or resizing a larger instance to m1.tiny is not possible. Note that the instance is temporarily stopped during resizing.

Name Memory (GB) vCPUs Root-disk size (GB)
m1.tiny 0.5 1 10
m1.small 2 1 30
m1.medium 4 2 30
m1.large 8 4 30
m1.xlarge 16 8 30
m1.2xlarge 32 8 30
m1.4xlarge 64 12 30
m1.8xlarge 128 20 30
Other/larger instance sizes are available on request.

You can look up the available instance types with openstack flavor list from the command line or through the web interface under ProjectComputeInstancesLaunch Instance.