HeiCLOUD is a paid service that is available to institutes of Heidelberg University as well as
all members of the DFN association.
If you are a DFN member interested in using heiCLOUD, please read page 10-14 of the following PDF:
DFN notice regarding cloud.
To request access or pricing information please send us an email with the following information about your project:
- Project name:
- Project description:
- Cost center:
- Owner(s) of the cost center:
- Email(s) of the person(s) mentioned above:
- Prepaid (1-3 years) or On-Demand:
- Number of vCPUs:
- RAM in GiB:
- Additional HDD/SSD storage in GB/Type:
- Number of public IPv4 addresses (max. 1 per instance):
- OS of the VM(s) (Linux or Windows):
Instead of RAM and vCPU count you can also specify instance types and their desired number (e.g. 2x m1.medium Linux).
For DFN members or for simple pricing information requests it is sufficient to just send the project name and the required resources.
You can find an overview of the currently available instance types here. Every instance (except Windows Server 2016 and newer) automatically has 30 GB of ephemeral block storage as a root drive which exists until the VM is deleted. If data should persist after the deletion of the instance, a separate volume or object storage is required. Further information about data storage can be found here.
Once you have received your login credentials you can use heiCLOUD via the web interface, via the command line or directly using the REST API.